Wednesday 14 January 2015

"I" the review by me:)

It's a magnum opus, it has everything for the eye - Exotic locales, A Greek goddess in Amy, chiseled bodies with that of Vikram, Gravity defying stunts. It's an example of what bottomless coffers could do to Indian Cinema. It's Sponsored by billions and will be definitely watched my millions at the very least I hope. 
Basically it is Beauty and the beast and its supposed to be a feast. Revenge brings out the dope of evil from Shankar, who adds fuel to his fire of gore in his thought process in revenge sequences. The beauty of love lies not in what meets the eye but in that which meets your heart being the moral. The beast of appearance is conquered by the beauty of ones heart if I may reiterate to be clim axe. For Shankars fans' familiarity of Tamil movies may breed indifference, as this is an admixture of appearance from Perazhagan and punishments from Anniyan, except that one is rewarded with life sentence of gore rather than a death sentence of the ilk aforementioned. 

Vikram does his best, he gains a few pounds and sheds it when required like pound were to be a currency. His acting, with loads of makeup still is a class apart from what you would've witnessed. His effort alone warrants a rapturous applause from us. It ain't visible to the eye though sadly owing to a weak plot. He shoulders the unbearable weight of expectation and makes an attempt at punching above his weight. 

Let's come to Shankar, 
He captures the beauty in songs (would've cost the producer 75% of budget) but doesn't feed the beast( of an actor Vikram) with the script. I've always felt Shankar turns  a poet in his musical bits (songs) but then turns Rajini's scriptwriter at full throttle for most parts in the movie trying to please audience. 
Will the beast conquer the masses or will the majority rule against fairy tales is a question that remains:)  

My view is that it's a collage of costly dreams that suddenly awaken you to impending reality. This song keeps going on and on and I shall leave you at that, " Nadu kadalule kappala yerangi thalla mudiyuma . . " 

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