Saturday 24 December 2022

Avatar, the way of water - re view

 Avatar, the way of water 

The best movie going experience I could’ve asked for . What I witnessed was a whole new universe of sheer imagination, Humanity’s perception of evolution, unity of tribes to aid survival, interspersed species emotionally bonding with their tribes all within a three hour exercise of universe building & survival drama. The way of water, interconnects emotions with humans, tribes, species in way never seen before . This is truly a remarkable feat by James Cameron. The Metamorphosis of humans into another species, living afresh, learning anew the laws of survival and winning with an insider seemed like a rendering of Charles darwins evolution of mankind with an avatar of Krishna, both in skin and mind . Reminded me of the word all knowing and omnipotent when I saw Jack sully go about protecting his family . For me, it was a philosophy of evolution of a species which contained a careful integration of modern warfare with deep rooted mythical OG strategy . When imagination meets perfect execution you get a product that emotes, chokes, inspires and saves you from the mundane existence of mankind. One of the best movies I have witnessed in my life . 


Saturday 15 January 2022

Ted Lasso - A few words


A mushy Sports drama where a US Football coach is hired to coach uk soccer for AFC Redmond .


Well intentioned,  with its heart at the right place. 

Positives - Unadulterated movement towards positivity, nice quirks on man management, 

Minus -  High dose of unapologetic Melodrama and moral science lessons.

If it doesn’t make you cringe it’ll make you binge 

“The diamond dogs have struck again”

Through the peaks and the troughs, it level sets your expectations and remains perfectly watchable !

Here’s a fun fact from ted lasso “if you get the last place on the premiership you’ll get to the championship” 😂


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