Saturday 24 December 2022

Avatar, the way of water - re view

 Avatar, the way of water 

The best movie going experience I could’ve asked for . What I witnessed was a whole new universe of sheer imagination, Humanity’s perception of evolution, unity of tribes to aid survival, interspersed species emotionally bonding with their tribes all within a three hour exercise of universe building & survival drama. The way of water, interconnects emotions with humans, tribes, species in way never seen before . This is truly a remarkable feat by James Cameron. The Metamorphosis of humans into another species, living afresh, learning anew the laws of survival and winning with an insider seemed like a rendering of Charles darwins evolution of mankind with an avatar of Krishna, both in skin and mind . Reminded me of the word all knowing and omnipotent when I saw Jack sully go about protecting his family . For me, it was a philosophy of evolution of a species which contained a careful integration of modern warfare with deep rooted mythical OG strategy . When imagination meets perfect execution you get a product that emotes, chokes, inspires and saves you from the mundane existence of mankind. One of the best movies I have witnessed in my life .