Monday 21 August 2017


A beautiful romance with interwoven romance, reality and morality. Excellent storytelling effort by director Ram.

With the author's voice interlude setting the tone in several scenes.

The story of a love lost scavenger and a faint hearted widow dealing with the atrocities  of society over single women. A love story destined for doom and  another destined for glory. Definition of a bitch by a commoner without knowledge . The suspicion of a lover, futility of hope when the notion of infidelity rears its ugly head. The wisdom of understanding the fallacies of the Rumour mill. All the stories interwoven into a moral rendition of excellence.

Excellent performance by Vasanth Ravi as the scavenger, the Innocent, the heartbroken and the forgiving lover. One of the best performances by a newbie ever. 

Apt casting of Andrea as the Anglo Indian widow in search of originality and a soul mate. 

Maybe the movie is on par  with the best of moral romances to come out of the Tamil movie industry. A refined people version of Karthik Subbaraj's Iraivi with lesser layers and more focus on the story at hand. Please promote gems like these for they'll fade into the abyss without our support! 

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